Starting Apache Tomcat Server in Windows 7

In this video tutorial, we will look at how to start the apache tomcat server in windows 7.

You can start the apache tomcat server in two ways.

The first one is through windows programs monitor tomcat and next is to start from control panel, Administrative Tools and services.

I’m going to click the Windows Start button and select programs and click Apache Tomcat folder, now I’ll click about monitor Apache Tomcat

The Apache Tomcat icon will be placed on the taskbar, right-click it and click start service, you can also click stop service to stop the service. To check whether the server is running, open the web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:9090, since I have installed the apache tomcat on port 9090. If the apache tomcat server homepage is displayed then the service has started successfully.

The video below demonstrates how to start the Apache Tomcat Server in Windows 7.

Starting Apache Tomcat Server in Windows 7
The next case is to start the apache tomcat server from control panel, click the Windows Start button, go to control panel, select systems and security, click Administrative Tools, then click services, in the services, you will find apache tomcat, right-click apache tomcat and you can start the service, stop, pause, resume or restart depending upon the need.